My Twenties Finale by Bethany Deschamp

it was important for me to get in front of the camera this week, as it serves as my twenties finale.  today i turn thirty, an age that always seemed so far into the distance. if you would ask me, i would say i feel like i am twenty-four.  while i embrace thirty, it just doesn’t seem possible that it’s my turn to graduate into my thirties.

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my mother called me last night, as she does every year the night before my birthday.  she starts off the call with “30 years ago today” and then tells me our famous story of how she went into labor and met me for the first time.  it’s a story that is cherished by my entire family, everything from my father timing her contractions on the stop clock of the final 4 tournament on tv (much to my mother’s annoyance) to my father being a baby hog in the hospital the day i was born.  what can i say, it was his turn to hold me!  every year my parents retell that story to me and it not only makes me smile, but as a new mother this year it makes me want to do the same thing for our little girl.  to each year tell her the beautiful story of that april day when we became parents.

this year will be my first birthday as a mama and i felt it important to get in front of the frame to document what i looked like at thirty.  so far, i like thirty.  i took a series of images of my daughter and i together, this being one of my favorites.  i set up this photo with my nikon d750 and tripod, using a wide angle lens to include the surroundings within the frame as well.  it is important for me to include my surroundings within the frame to document not only me and my daughter at thirty, but what my design choice in my home is like at the time.  as a photographer who is passionate about documentary photography, it important for me to document even the little things, for they may seem like big things someday.

so this image serves as my twenties finale.  the end of a new chapter and the beginning of another.  but this chapter is so beautiful!  my husband asked me if i got everything i wanted out of my twenties and to that i said, “i achieved things i never even dreamed of and accomplished things i didn’t know i was capable of.”  so on that note, look out thirties!  i have big plans for you.  my twenties taught me that i am strong and determined; i will not be slowed down and will make the most out of life.

need help seeing the beauty in your home?  be sure to read my eBook the everyday photograph to inspire your everyday photography.

My Twenties Finale by Bethany Deschamp

My Twenties Finale by Bethany Deschamp | Bethadilly Photography

this photo was achieved using : nikon d750sigma art 24mm f/1.4 lens, and tripod.

my settings were : ISO 640 | f/2.8 | 1/80ss

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to learn more about how to create emotion in your images, be sure to read 4 eye-catching ways to create emotion in photographs.

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