My Photography Gear
one of the most common questions i am asked is, “what photography gear do you use?” or “what is your go-to lens?” i love talking about my gear and i will be answering those questions today! from what gear i use at professional photography sessions to what gear i use for iphoneography, you will find a lot of fun goodies in this post today! thanks for stopping by + enjoy!
photographing my everyday is one of my passions. to inspire your everyday photography, be sure to read the everyday photograph.
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My Photography Gear
1. nikon d610 i purchased the nikon d610 camera body in november 2014 and have been in love with it ever since. i use my nikon d610 for both professional and personal photography, and it is my primary camera. i would recommend this camera to anyone and everyone, as i am very happy with it. my favorite features on the nikon d610 are the lcd display on the top of the camera body and the ability to have two memory cards in the camera at the same time. the ability to have two memory cards in the camera at the same time is very helpful during sessions, as you can set up the second memory card as either a back up card or you can have it ready to roll over photos onto it if you fill up your first card. and i am one of those photographers that takes a lot of photos during sessions, so i am always filling up one memory card and rolling onto the next. this saves me time during the session, as i don’t have to stop and put in a new memory card. i can just continue photographing my clients, without pause.
2. nikon d600 my nikon d600 is the camera that i started my photography business with and now it serves as my backup camera. it is basically the same camera as my nikon 610, with only a few minor differences. i didn’t realize how productive having a second camera body was until i had one. not only do i have a backup just in case something happens to my primary camera, but i can also put different lenses on each camera during the same photo shoot and switch back and forth quickly and effortlessly. i love not having to stop and switch out lenses and usually keep my lensbaby composer pro sweet 35 on my backup camera for the times when i want to get really creative with a photo. it’s just one of those things that saves me some time.
3. nikon battery grip having a battery grip offers a lot of convenience when photographing. the battery grip can be quickly installed on the bottom of your camera, and you can take it on and off as you please. i quickly put the grip on my camera when needed and then take it off when storing my camera. it is so easy! the grip offers more comfort and ease of use when you want to turn your camera to take a portrait photo, giving you a firm grip and additional shutter button for quickly taking photos. it also holds another battery so you have a battery backup in place. this works great for back to back sessions or for when you are traveling. it makes the camera comfortable to hold, while saving you time in changing out new batteries.
4. sigma 50mm f1.4 lens this is the best photography purchase i have made, to date. i love my sigma 50mm f1.4 lens so much and it honestly lives on my camera. i never take this lens off because it works perfectly for photographing both professionally and personally. the low aperture is stunning and i love creating bokeh with this lens. this lens really helps me to get a variety of photography styles, just my raising and lowering the aperture during photography sessions. i can lower the aperture and get beautiful up close photos of an individual with a pretty background blur and then raise the aperture in order to capture a beautiful group photo with everyone in focus. i could talk about this lens all day long so if you are looking for a great lens that can do a little bit of everything, the sigma 50mm f1.4 is your lens. i am commonly asked what my go-to lens is, and this is definitely it.
5. nikon 50mm f1.8 lens this lens was my very first 50mm and i really love the low aperture of this lens. because it is so little in size and very light in weight, this is a great lens to keep in your photography bag. i actually always carry this lens in my photography bag as a backup during photography sessions, just in case something happens with my sigma 50mm f1.4. you can never be too careful! the nikon 50mm f1.8 is a prime lens, so you have to physically move closer to your subject when photographing. to be honest, all the lenses i primarily use are prime lenses and it is really easy to get into the habit of moving closer and further away from your subject, rather than having the lens zoom in or out for you. this is definitely a great lens, and has a great price.
6. lensbaby composer pro sweet 35 this lens is so much fun to use! i love the creativity that can be achieved with this lens. while this lens takes a little while to master, it is totally worth the practice time! the lensbaby composer pro sweet 35 is my very first lensbaby lens, but it will not be my last. i love that this lens helps create images that are different and alluring. if you are looking for a way to get more creative with your photography, i would definitely recommend this lens. i feel like lensbaby images are the types of images that make you want to take a second look because you can create some fascinating emotion with this lens. this is a great first lensbaby lens to try and i can’t wait to add more lensbaby lenses to my collection.
7. nikon 24-85mm f3.5-4.5 when i have a need to use a zoom lens, i use my nikon 24-85mm f3.5-4.5. i think that this is a great everyday lens and is actually really useful when i travel and need a zoom lens to take photos of things that i cannot get close to. for example, when walking around the tidal basin and national mall in washington dc, it is nice to have a zoom lens to be able to get a great photo of the memorials from a further distance away. this was also my primary lens when i first started booking family photography sessions. while the aperture of this lens is not as low as my other lenses, it is a great lens for group and family photos because you can still get everyone in focus.
8. nikon 70-300mm f.4.5-5.6 to be honest, i have never put this lens on my camera. well, maybe once. when i bought my nikon d600 when starting my photography business, this lens came with it. while i haven’t used this lens, i wanted to add it to this post because it is something that is in my lens drawer. i have carried this lens in my camera bag, just in case i needed a larger zoom. the only reason why i never use this lens is because i have never had a need to use a zoom this large.
9. camera strap just as often as i get asked about my favorite lens, i get asked about where i got my camera strap. well, here is the link! i love this camera strap so much. not only is it colorful and fun, but it is also really comfortable to wear. i love the beautiful colors and the woven texture of the strap and my clients are always complimenting me on it. camera straps are a fun way to express your personality as a photographer, so take off that boring strap that came with your camera and buy something fun!
10. batteries i have four batteries for my cameras and carry them in my camera bag as back up. especially during fall season, it is really nice to have extra batteries on hand when doing back to back sessions all day. honestly, the battery lasts a really long time and i am not changing them out too often. but it is really nice to have that peace of mind that i have backups and can get through a weekend of photo sessions without having to recharge them. i recommend always having at least one extra battery in your camera bag at all times. there is nothing worse than getting your camera out to capture a moment, and the battery is toast.
11. memory cards memory cards are something you can never have enough of. i have four memory cards, and i am looking at add at least 2 more before fall season. when i upload photography sessions for editing in lightroom, i always keep the originals on my memory cards. i never delete them off the memory card until the session is edited and mailed to the client. i do this because there is always a chance that your computer can accidentally delete photos, so i like to keep them on the memory cards as backup. and let me tell you, it has happened to me. there was a session that was unrecoverable on my computer, but i still had the photos on my memory card as backup. thank goodness! instead of having to redo a session, i just re-uploaded the photos. not only is it important to have more than one memory card, but make sure you purchase high quality memory cards so they load your photos as fast as you take them. don’t let a cheap and slow memory card be the reason why you didn’t capture a moment! your memory card needs to be able to keep up with your camera.
12. nikon lens pen i always carry a lens pen in my camera bag to clean and touch up my lenses before photography sessions or as needed. if you are going to invest in nice lenses, invest in the lens pen to keep them clean. i use my lens pen before every session to ensure there are no smudges or dust on the lens. there is nothing more annoying than trying to edit out dust!
and that is all the professional equipment that i use, so far! please remember that these are lenses and gear that work for me and my photography style. be sure that you research lenses and purchase what is right for you! also, be sure that the products that you do purchase will actually work with your camera. and as always, take the time to read the reviews! they are a great tool when researching and, many times, the reviews will either talk me into or out of purchasing certain equipment!
let’s talk real quick about iphoneography! i love using my iphone to take photos because, let’s admit it, cell phone cameras are pretty stellar these days! not only do they take quality photos, but they are much smaller and lighter to carry around if you don’t want to pack up your dslr for an outing. and like dslr’s, cell phones have some fun photography accessories.
1. iphone 5 well, first you will need a phone! i currently have the gold iphone 5 and i love the photos it takes! plus, does anyone go anywhere without a cell phone these days? so, i always have a camera handy!
2. olloclip this is the best photography accessory for cell phones. i love the olloclip because it can do so many different things, and it is about the size of a cherry tomato! the olloclip has a macro lens, a wide angle lens and a fish eye lens all in one! there are so many neat photos that you can achieve with the olloclip and it is a must have! if you are looking to boost your photography creativity, you need the olloclip! trust me, you will love everything about it!
3. cell phone tripod mount for those times when you want to be hands free! i love this cell phone tripod mount because it is little, can be quickly installed and is very easy to use. it also holds an impressive grip on my cell phone, ensuring that it is not going to wiggle around. and, when not in use, it folds up and is very small to store. you can easily carry it in your pocket.
and for those of you who want to talk about tripods, i really like my oben. not only is it super easy to use, but i can use it at a variety of adjustable heights. whether i am using it in low light or using it to steady a product photograph, i am very happy with the variety of options that my tripod offers. while i rarely take it to a professional photo session, it really comes in handy when i am photographing indoors or trying to take a self portrait.
as i mentioned before, these products are what work for me and my photography style. i encourage you to do your research when shopping for photography equipment and be sure that the product you choose will be compatible with your camera.
what is your favorite photography product? what is the best purchase you have made, photography-related? i would love to hear what you love! i always love hearing about and shopping for new equipment, so tell me by commenting below!
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need some photography tips + inspiration? check out what posts are trending below.
Elena - Love this post! I just got my first DSLR and am interested in adding to my gear besides the stuff that came with the kit, which is nice but not the best. I absolutely hate the bag that came with it; what kind of bag do you use to carry and protect all this super nice stuff? 🙂
{beth} a-dilly - congrats on getting your first dslr! woo hoo! you’ve read my mind because i have a post going up next week about all my photography bags and which ones work best! stay tuned, girl! should be up by tuesday! <3
Lisa McCann - Did you have to calibrate your Sigma to your camera body? I just got this lens yesterday (Canon mount) and I think I need to calibrate it :/
Stephanie Smith DeBiasi - What are you using for a tripod? I’m in the market for a new one. Thx!
my camera bags » beth a-dilly - […] answer to my camera bag dreams was kelly moore. not only do the bags properly protect my camera gear when i am on the go, but they don’t look like a camera bag. i absolutely love them and have […]
Amanda Cohen - I LOVE my 50mm 1.8! 😀
5 tips to master your lensbaby » beth a-dilly - […] to read more about what lenses are in my photography bag, be sure to read about my photography gear! […]
5 things i adore about the jetsetter shutterbag » beth a-dilly - […] jetsetter! they are perfect for my phone and keys, making them easy to find and also away from my camera gear, as i like to keep my gear completely separate from other items that could potentially scratch or […]
you ask, i answer. volume 2. » beth a-dilly - […] you would like to read more about what gear is in my camera bag, be sure to check out my post about my photography gear! alright, let’s answer some questions! i am excited by the number of amazing questions […]
Featured Photographer – Beth Deschamp – Light Inspired / Photography Forum / Tutorials / Publications / Features - […] Instagram and Facebook! And to learn more about what is in my camera bag, check out my post about my photography gear! I would be happy to have […]
my favorite camera straps » beth a-dilly - […] read a little more about my gear, take a peek at what is inside my photography bag! and to follow along with me on my daily journey with photography, be sure to join me on […]
Kacey Boyd Gilpin - You are so gracious to share! I am so excited to have stumbled on your blog!
10 TIPS FOR PHOTOGRAPHING A LIFESTYLE NEWBORN SESSION » beth a-dilly - […] what lenses i carry in my bag to newborn sessions for my newborn sessions, i put my sigma 50mm f/1.4 lens on my nikon d610 and my nikon 24-85mm f3.5-4.5 lens on my nikon d600. i love the low aperture of my sigma 50mm f/1.4 lens that allows me to get a sharp focus paired with a smooth surrounding, while my nikon 24-85mm f3.5-4.5 lens allows me to achieve those wide angles that i love for a great pullback photo. and again, i always carry my tripod with me too, just in case i need a steady backup! to read more about what gear i pack for my photography sessions, be sure to check out my post below about what gear is in my photography bag! […]
5 reasons why every photographer needs a shutterbag » beth a-dilly - […] to read more about what gear i love and what is in my photography bag, be sure to read my post about my photography gear. […]
shenica - I’m interested in taking better more creative iphone photos. I currently have the iphone 6 and was looking into the ollloclip. Do you have any phone you can share or have shared where you used this accessory? I would love to see some of your images:)
{beth} a-dilly - hello shenica! usually i try my best to hashtag my images #olloclip if i use it to create a photo on instagram. i would recommend visiting the company’s site, as they should have sample images for you!
10 gift ideas for photographers » beth a-dilly - […] read more about what goodies are tucked inside my photography bag, check out my post about my photography gear to see what i photograph […]
the bethadilly challenge | january 2016 prompt list » beth a-dilly - […] want to take a peek inside my camera bag to see what i love to use to take my daily photographs? be sure to check out my photography gear! […]
Kimberly - I LOVE your blog!!!! Congrats on your sweet baby on the way! As a mom of 3 I’m so thankful for photography and being able to capture moments that I’d otherwise forget. I would love to know how you get such beautiful white balance! This is one of the many elements I admire about your photography and would love to have the same beautiful bright look in my photos. Thanks!
{beth} a-dilly - thank you, kimberly! to be honest, white balance has just come with a lot of practice and training my eye to see it balanced!
Kimberly Ford - Beth, I love love love your blog and am so inspired by you to keep learning and growing in my photography journey! Thanks for all the wonderful information you give on your blog!
{beth} a-dilly - you are so welcome! glad you find it helpful!